17 julio 2014

Jolimar Rosario

La Granja

Maestra: Jolimar, me gusta tu habitat.  Por favor, ¿puedes describir que tu creaste?

Jolimar: Its a habitat.  I made the grass, water, and the sun.  The door goes to the barn.  We made the farm red. 

Maestra: Why is this a good habitat for your horse?

Jolimar: Well, the horse lives on the farm.  The grass helps the horse survive.  The horse needs the water to drink.  

Maestra: What was your favorite part in creating this prjoject?

Jolimar:  I liked doing the grass because we got to glue it down.  It was easy.  We are so proud of what we made.  

Maestra:  As you should.  I really like how you and Kialis collaborated together on this project.

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