09 julio 2014

Gabriella Cotto

Investigación de los Líquidos Derretidos

Maestra:   ¿Como hiciste crear su imagen?

Gabriella: When I made it, the trunk, it looked like a tree, so I made it a tree.  I just made a thing in the middle and I made it a big line. Then I made the little lines. 

Maestra: Can you describe the detail here? (pointing)

Gabriella: I made a line first, then I made a line to each side and then I made a circle.  The circles are the leaves. 

Maestra: Gracias Gabriella.

CCLS: Major Understandings 3.2a Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid, gas. • solids have a definite shape and volume • liquids do not have a definite shape but have a definite volume • gases do not hold their shape or volume

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