17 julio 2014

Jolimar Rosario

La Granja

Maestra: Jolimar, me gusta tu habitat.  Por favor, ¿puedes describir que tu creaste?

Jolimar: Its a habitat.  I made the grass, water, and the sun.  The door goes to the barn.  We made the farm red. 

Maestra: Why is this a good habitat for your horse?

Jolimar: Well, the horse lives on the farm.  The grass helps the horse survive.  The horse needs the water to drink.  

Maestra: What was your favorite part in creating this prjoject?

Jolimar:  I liked doing the grass because we got to glue it down.  It was easy.  We are so proud of what we made.  

Maestra:  As you should.  I really like how you and Kialis collaborated together on this project.

Kialis Gonzalez

Maestra: ¿Puedes describir que tu creaste?

Kialis: Its a farm.  We colored the different parts.  we stuck it to the sun.  Oh, we also put out water for the horse.  

Maestra: Why is this a good habitat for the horse that you sculpted?

Kialis: He lives there.  Hes got a place to sleep.  He has water, and the sun, he needs the sun.  

Maestra: What was your favorite part of this project?

Kialis: I liked working with Jolimar and when we stuck the grass.  We created the habitat by working together, that was my favorite part. 

Maestra: Thank you, Kialis.  You both created a beautiful habitat.

09 julio 2014

Edwin Velez Robles

Happy Painting

Project: Long-term room improvement plan

Maestra: Edwin, you have been very helpful in improving the appearance of our classroom.   I know you have spent a lot of time painting the furniture.  I really like how you were very careful and paid close attention to detail.

Edwin: I like painting stuff.  I like painting Superman, Batman, Robin.

Maestra: How do you feel when you’re painting?

Edwin: Happy.

Maestra: What did you like best about working on the furniture?

Edwin: It made me very happy.

Maestra: Why?

Edwin: I like painting with my friends.

NYS Arts:

·       understand and use the elements and principles of art (texture) in order to communicate their ideas

·       experiment and create art works, in a variety of mediums

CCLS: Speaking and Listening

·       Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges

·       Seek to understand and communicate with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

·       Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation.


Yarielys Seda Castillo y Ramon Moreno

Un Puente de Colaboración

Maestra: Por favor explique como usted construyó esta estructura.

Yarielys: Comencé con los bloques más grandes, y los puse aquí. Entonces puse estos dos palitos sobre el lado, y luego añadí los dos encima.  Ramon trabajó conmigo para construir la parte arriba y elegir los colores del palitos.

Maestra: ¿Cuál era su parte favorita de este proyecto?

(Escrito) Me gusta construir los palitos de arriba.


NYS CCLS:Mathmatical Practice:
1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.

CCLS: math-1.G Reason with 3D shapes and their attributes

Gabriella Cotto

Investigación de los Líquidos Derretidos

Maestra:   ¿Como hiciste crear su imagen?

Gabriella: When I made it, the trunk, it looked like a tree, so I made it a tree.  I just made a thing in the middle and I made it a big line. Then I made the little lines. 

Maestra: Can you describe the detail here? (pointing)

Gabriella: I made a line first, then I made a line to each side and then I made a circle.  The circles are the leaves. 

Maestra: Gracias Gabriella.

CCLS: Major Understandings 3.2a Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid, gas. • solids have a definite shape and volume • liquids do not have a definite shape but have a definite volume • gases do not hold their shape or volume

08 julio 2014

Jose Felipe Mesa Potrille

Provocación de Bloques:

¿Cómo puede viajar de un sitio al otro?

Maestra: ¿Puede explicar cómo construyó este?

Jose: Porque soy superinteligente.  Quiero lo hago.

Maestra: ¿Puedes explicar lo que has construido?

Jose: Hay un techo, una puerta donde puede pasar por dos lados, un rectángulo so nadie puede entrar, solo la policía.  Le mandan algo de afuera.

Maestra: ¿Qué estás haciendo en las fotos?

(Escrito) Yo estoy jugando. Porque yo no tengo bloques (en casa).


NYS CCLS:Mathmatical Practice:

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.