In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this week we read "Sopa de Piedras."

Monday, we discussed and read the story.
In the story three soldiers come to a village looking for food. None of the villagers want to share their food for whatever reason.
So the soldiers go to the plaza, put a Stone in a pot, and begin to cook "soup." Little by Little, the villagers come, and to make the soup better, they each bring an ingredient.
It results in a delicious pot luck soup for the entire village to enjoy.

After, the students illustrated the ingredients that the villagers had brought, and added to the pot. (CCLS Literature 1)
Tuesday, we created a graph of the ingredients students brought in. For first-time graphs, I thought the students did an excellent job. (CCLS Math 1.MD.4)
Our big celebration!
Preparando la sopa |

All morning long students prepared for our Thanksgiving lunch; cutting and peeling vegetables, mixing and stirring ingredients.
After lunch students enjoyed their feast.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Nuestra investigacion de la nacionalidad empieza con los simbolos. Los estudiantes ya saben muchos simbolos; por ejemplo, el signo de McDonalds, corazones para amor, y una cara feliz para algo bueno. Pero en este unidad, los estudiantes pensaran sobre los simbolos de nuestro pais, y tambien de Puerto Rico.
?Que es especial sobre tu ciudad?
"I like Chucky Cheese y las tiendas y el cine. Es especial porque me gusta."
"My ciudad is fun. Puedo jugar. There is an ice cream place almost across the street. We also play there."
"We got to eat everywhere. We can go to Wendy's and McDonalds. We always have fun with our friends in school."
"Buffalo is on the TV. My Dad and I always like it. In Buffalo, we can play games."
"A veces, vamos en el parque con mi Tia y mi hermana. Siempre esta especial porque esta llena de lugares especiales como los parques y el zoo."
"I go in the park and my Mom and my Dad and my sister. I like the slides."
"I like the park because I like the games when Buffalo wins. The bad teams lose. They win the game again, then they come out again. I like hockey."
"Voy a la playa en Bufalo. Y la picina. Compro comida. Voy con mi hermano y Papa."
Marcos V.