As our year came to a close, we had a significant amount of students in the class choose to publish books.
This was a desired result I had intended for all students, but I did not push those students that did not feel ready. Some students needed a little help. For example, their story began in the block área, and they may have needed some help documenting it.
Other students were quite content on creating a new story every day, using different médiums to develop their story, in lieu of actually creating a book.
I would like to thank the students for their hard work this year, their creativity, and their passion that engaged them through the last day of school!
Here is a little collection of the authors in salón 120 after presenting their books to the class:

Congratulations and best of luck to you in second grade!
Yesterday students traveled to the Burchfield Art and Nature Center. What an incredibly lovely day we had!
After lunch, we explored the creek. Wilberto and Shaytara mastered the art of skipping stones.
Next, we began our hike. We traveled for a while down the path, when it ended. Soooooo......we decided to cross the creek. (Not my best responsible teacher moment but the students sure were having fun!)
I yelled at the students, "Be careful, don't fall in!" Well guess who was the first to fall in? Yup. It was me!
On the other side of the creek we discovered an adventure wonderland!!! Fueron colinas y mas colinas. They were meant for dirtbikes, I believe. Our students sure had fun climbing them!
We ended the day in the sun on a hill. Some students took the opportunity to rest, some decided to roll down the hill, and others worked together to créate a fairy house.
A successful outing and a beautiful day. Nature is a wonderful way to spark children's curiousity and créate wonder about their environment.